Posts from the ‘Occupied Nation’ Category

the ‘Occupied Nation’ Show (9/26/2013)


On this weeks ‘Occupied Nation’ Show we spoke with Christina Gonzalez, Green Party candidate for CIty Council District 7 in NYC , who was arrested a few days ago. We also spoke with Josh Sager about the hard facts in regard to guns. And also had a very informative discussion with Terra Freidrichs about Pass Mass Amendment. We featured Leaders Led on the 4:20 Intermission, as well as covering a few other subjects.

Boston Fireworks 2011-4622.jpg

Patrick is the host of Occupied Nation, airing every Monday from 3pm-6pm on


Occupied Nation

 I went downtown a while ago, well earlier this morning I guess. I was suprised to see how many people were out at 7am on a holiday.As I walked by the vetrans place i watched the police work crews, putting out all the barracades while a group of about fifty motorcycle-cops rode by.  As I glanced at the group of police suprvisors meeting across the street I immediately tried to remember if there was an occupy boston event that i had somehow forgotten, and then realized that the police weren’t in their black military garb, so it couldn’t be occupy.LOL, it was time to get a coffee 🙂

While we celebrate our independence in these United States, let’s remember what it’s supposed to mean. Let’s remember that we were taught in school about how this country declared it’s independence from oppression. Let’s remember those brave souls that stood up against any…

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Revolt in Sudan!

Occupied Nation is hosted by Patrick (Boston George) every Monday 3pm-6pm on Join us!

Occupied Nation

in this world we have personal struggles, and we have struggles that we are a part of collectively, and right now the people of sudan are enduring a struggle that is not being heard about so much. in the past few days, they have seen police violence, the internet was shut down, and there have been mass protests throuought the country, in fact people have been arrested and taken away for tweeting within their own homes. the protests have been going on for 9 days now. we will be interviewing several sudanese people later on this week on OBradio for different show, and possibly for the occupier. please help spread the news of what is happening in sudan, don’t let their struggle go un-noticed by the broader public. solidarity with the people of sudan!



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